Hi again. Long time ago, I asked about [1] hardware recommendations to build a home file / video server, which streams HD videos for Avid.
Quite late, but thanks for your responses. I bought a raid-controller and an em-network card and recycled a really old pc, installed OpenBSD 5.3 Current on a 2TB HDD ( My first one and Nick knows that disk [2] ) and made a Softraid RAID 1 with 2x2.5' 1TB Drives. Then I upgraded Windows 7 to Ultimate to get the build-in NFS Client. Started nfsd, statd, lockd etc. Good news: It works. But only in SD. On HD it hangs every 10 sec for a few. And I don't think, this is so, because I play Kate Ryan LoveLife music video to test it. ;) When I look at `top`, the CPU stays below 10% most of the time. The network is 1Gbit/s both sides and switch. So I think I could get a better performance than 20MB/s while coping files to and around 4MB/s when coping from that server. But where is the bottleneck? I uploaded the output of these commands: dmesg netstat -m nfsstat nfsstat -c ps ax systat ifstat systat nfsserver systat vm top vmstat and a screenshot of Windows netdrive options on http://www.sqrt2.de/log . If you need more, just mail. Thanks, Sebastian. [1] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=135646615716842&w=2 [2] http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=105889683722295&w=2 -- Sebastian Neuper <pha...@gmx.de>