
On Tue, 07 May 2013 22:38:46 +0100
Joe Holden <li...@rewt.org.uk> wrote:
> I'm testing out npppd as a termination device which is being fed from
> existing LACs (in this particular setup, mpd on FreeBSD) - if the LAC
> begins LCP to challenge the client for it's username in order to
> lookup the destination LNS, npppd just repeats the following until it
> gives up:
> 2013-05-07 22:29:03:INFO: ppp id=1 layer=chap proto=unknown Received
> chap packet.  But chap is not started
> 2013-05-07 22:29:05:INFO: ppp id=1 layer=chap proto=unknown Received
> chap packet.  But chap is not started

Do you have the "dialin-proxy" message before these messages?  If you
have, I would like to see it.

> This is on a test setup currently, but mirrors the behaviour as it
> would see on a real network.
> If I blindly switch to npppd all is well, I've got l2tp-lcp-reneg
> enabled but it doesn't seem to make any difference, likewise with
> force.
> Is this known behaviour or am I missing something?

Does the config

  l2tp-accept-dialin yes

line in the `tunnel' config?


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