On 2013-04-22, Richard Toohey <richardtoo...@paradise.net.nz> wrote:
> On 04/23/13 05:30, Peter Fraser wrote:
>> [cut]
>>   The charity operates in a Windows environment. To the problem is: how does 
>> a person (probably a volunteer)
>>   on a Windows machine put a TIFF file into a directory on an OpenBSD, and 
>> in addition send the information
>> as to where send the fax and get back a status on success or failure of 
>> sending a fax.
>> [cut]
> Sounds like a job for Samba - at least the putting a TIFF file from 
> Windows onto an OpenBSD directory.
Or you could use something like fdm to process a mailbox, taking TIFF
attachments and moving them to the spool directory.

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