On 2013-04-22, Mattieu Baptiste <mattie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently trying to access files from my OpenBSD -current/amd64
> workstation on a NAS under FreeNAS (8.3.1). On my workstation, the
> filesystem is a read/write NFS mounted share. Its size is about 5.2TB.
> While reading seems normal : about 45MB/s, writing is a lot slower
> (fluctuates between 10MB/s and 20MB/s) before eventually stall (under
> 1MB/s). Note that at the start, my box is totally unresponsive. When the
> writes fall below 1MB/s, the box became responsive again.

I had a lot of problems with NFS writes dragging the client to a halt
with NFSv3 on *some* systems which were greatly improved by switching to
NFSv2. On the other hand, other machines were perfectly OK with it... 

NFSv2 has other problems, not least a big write amplification effect
when NFS and disk block sizes don't match (at least with OpenBSD as a
server), also it limits files to 2GB which makes it unusable in some
situations, but it might be worth a try to see if the problem remains.

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