On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 16:12, Robert Connolly wrote: > I use Xephyr with Firefox. I also run Firefox as a dedicated user. At > seemingly random times, but on a regular basis, Firefox will behave > oddly. Firefox will open links in a new window, scrolling up or down > with my touchpad will cause the tab to go forward or backward through > browser history, and sometimes capslock will be on when typing in > Firefox, even though capslock is off.
In other words, Xephyr's virtual shift key is stuck on. Have you tried toggling the shift key to reset it? Then again, I'm highly suspicious of any program running on OpenBSD that claims to have allocated not just one, but two SE Linuxes. vm32:~> Xephyr :1 2 XSELINUXs still allocated at reset