> > How this 16th april snapshot differs from 5.3?
> > I will base my node on "release".
> <http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#Flavors>
> <http://www.openbsd.org/plus.html>

Thanks, Matthieu!
I was aware of this schedule. My assume was that "release"
was already finished to be 5.3. Contrary, there would be no
time to make cd-s and delever them all around the world.
My best bet is that last current snapshot from 16th april
should be newer than what will be 5.3. Right?
At the moment I plan to go from about a month old snapshot,
with working X and problemathic usb (usb switch for kb and
mouse disconnects often and makes the usage not easy) to 5.3.
Did I misunderstand the very idea of upgrade?
Best regards


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