I did this on a similar hardware (Atom d525 + 4G + 100M LAN + 1 SATA2
drive) a few weeks ago with OpenBSD AMD64 snapshot, but now I switched to
Ubuntu due to file copy performance issue. I can get around 10MB/s on
OpenBSD, but around 20MB/s with Ubuntu on the same hardware.

One major difference here: my NAS is not for disaster, it's simply for file
sharing.  All data is  back'ed up somewhere else. It's also my wireless AP,

I'll be glad to know if there is any tips/advices to get better file copy
speed on a OpenBSD NAS.

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 11:03 PM, Jan Lambertz <jd.arb...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi there,
> to be prepared for storage desaster i am planning to upgrade my home
> box.itis a intel atom d525 with 2gig mem. Im planning to build up a
> small raid 10
> with standard sata 5.25 inch drives. 1000 mbit lan. This storage will
> mainly be used for samba shares, backups and nfs shares. Of course i want
> massive performance. What du you suggest ?
> Change cpu
> Change filesystem (os)
> Parameters ?
> Do something other ?
> Any experiences in read /write speed of this hardware ?

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