
Pretty common stuff (no mail status, though), with some trickery to
use no more than half the screen's width (was a nag when
connecting/disconnecting an external monitor) and some logic around
all the possible battery/ac power scenarios. Has a couple of commented
lines, because I used to separate wired/wireless net stats but later
chose to just show the total traffic (wired was barely used and there
was no point in showing zeros 99% of the time).


On Mar 22, 2013, at 12:24 PM, James Griffin <j...@kontrol.kode5.net> wrote:

> [--------- Fri 22.Mar'13 at 15:50:04 +0400  Alexander Polakov :---------]
>> * James Griffin <j...@kontrol.kode5.net> [130322 15:10]:
>>> I was wondering if anyone uses dzen2 with OpenBSD (-current). If so I'd
>>> be really interested to see some examples of setups and scripts.  I'd like
>>> to be able to see network activity, mailbox updates/status and a few other 
>>> items
>>> of interest. Nothing too complex.
>> You may be probably interested in sysutils/xstatbar (nice graphs) or 
>> x11/xmobar
>> (all included) if you're too lazy to write monitoring scripts by yorself. Or
>> just pipe sysutils/conky output to dzen2.
> Ok thanks Alexander. Basically you're right, I am totally lazy and don't 
> wanna spend time writing scripts for something like this, i'm not ashamed to 
> say. I've got more interesting things to do. I just thought someone might 
> have come up with something nice that works and willing share. 
> Cheers for your reply though. Jamie
> -- 
> James Griffin:        jmz at kontrol.kode5.net 
>                               jmzgriffin at gmail.com
> A4B9 E875 A18C 6E11 F46D  B788 BEE6 1251 1D31 DC38

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