On 03/19/2013 12:00 PM, Steve Pribyl wrote:
Is there a way to determine which "base" packages are installed during the
initial install.
Steve Pribyl
if the machine boots, baseXX.tgz, etcXX.tgz, bsd*
if "man man" works, manXX.tgz
if "gcc" works, compXX.tgz
if "tetris" works, gameXX.tgz
if /usr/X11R6 exists, xbaseXX.tgz
if X works (or at least tries) the rest of x* was installed.
(that's all off the top of my head... errors possible. But then, as
one could easily tar tzf ... and see files in each tar set, I'm not
going to waste too much time on this)
That's assuming a healthy install thought process. Nothing stops you
from installing xshareXX.tgz without the rest of X, but it would be silly.
Really, if you care about it, just (re)install everything. It will still
be smaller than almost anything else.