You haven't added any partitions to the raid set you created. And then
you're trying to mount that using the raw mode device. Either you're
reading a bad tutorial or didn't follow all the steps.

Add a partition and try mounting that using the block device, sd3, not rsd3.

You owe it to yourself to read at least the sectiom of the faq covering disks.


On 2/22/13, Brandon Tanner <> wrote:
> Hello,
> This is my first time posting to this list. I am wanting to setup a
> softraid 1 array, with two 3TB drives. Every guide or howto I can find
> though is about installing onto such an array. My case however, the boot
> drive is on its own, a 250GB'er. I simply want to create the array with
> softraid, mount it at /storage, and use it. Does anyone know of any guides
> that cover this kind of scenario?
> I also have a few questions about what I read so far.
> 1. a few guides talk about using the MAKEDEV shell script. Do I still need
> to use that for my scenario?
> 2. Also, since my target array will not be a bootable array, do I still
> need to fdisk -yi the devices? I read in the FAQ that fdisk won't report
> the sizes correctly, but that I shouldn't worry though, since disklabel
> with the b option will cover it.
> 3. My two identical 3TB drives are sd1 and sd2, and bioctl reported that
> sd3 is created. I ran newfs -O 2 on it, and that seemed to work. I can't
> figure out how to mount it though. mount /dev/rsd3c /storage says something
> about block device required.
> That's about as far as I got.
> Thanks for any feedback.
> -Pyrite

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