On 02/09/13 21:23, Crookedmaze wrote: > Dear OpenBSD Community, > > Hello I am wondering if there is a tool similar to FreeBSD-update on > OpenBSD? If not are there any reasons for why a tool like this > hasn't been developed? Also if there isn't a tool like this > (I am pretty sure there isn't one as I have checked) if I were to > develop one do you think it would be accepted into OpenBSD? Please > let me know what you think! > > Sincerely, > Crookedmaze >
actually, I have been wondering why FreeBSD doesn't have a simple process for upgrading like OpenBSD's. Before any tool as you propose would be "accepted", it would have to be proven to be better than what we have, not just "different". I'd suggest spending a little time learning OpenBSD as OpenBSD, rather than trying to make it like FreeBSD (or Linux, or ...), and you would probably find a simple elegance unrivaled in the free software world. After doing some FreeBSD work for my day-job, my primary reaction to FreeBSD is, "well, beats Linux", but geez.... they really need to be looking over our shoulders more than we need to be looking over theirs. Nick.