Why? apropos should be known by any UNIX user. The level of acceptable ignorance in the UNIX community is staggering. This is not the 'old' days of 1990 where there was no documentation and UNIX wisdom was passed on by sage UNIX wizards to young apprentices. It is very unfortunate that Linux has tried to continue that tradition. READ THE F*****G DOCUMENTATION! Every flavour of UNIX that I have worked with has *GREAT* man pages and documentation with the exception of EVERY LINUX DISTRO! People coming from Linux into the real world should get a swift kick in the ass to wake them up. GNUs NOT UNIX
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013, at 02:52 AM, Martin Schröder wrote: > 2013/1/14 Franco Fichtner <slash...@gmail.com>: > > You need to understand that people asking question here have no idea > > about the marvellous man pages in OpenBSD and they never will (because > > then they would not be asking in the first place). > > Then they haven't read afterboot(8). > > Best > Martin > > PS: apropos should be mentioned in afterboot(8).