obsd_m...@chrissmith.org (Chris Smith), 2013.12.31 (Mon) 16:19 (CET):
> Maybe it's a problem due to Unbound being a package and not part of
> the core system, but a normal configuration such as:
> host hostname.example.com  {
>   hardware ethernet 00:1a:80:f4:75:ad;
>   fixed-address hostname.example.com;
>   }
> has to be rewritten as:
> host hostname.example.com  {
>   hardware ethernet 00:1a:30:64:75:bc;
>   fixed-address;
>   }
> thereby duplicating efforts or dhcpd will not start on reboot since
> pkg scripts start after everything else and Unbound has not yet been
> started.

Keep hosts(5) and unbound(8) in sync and ``lookup file bind'' in
resolv.conf(5). That lets dhcpd(8) resolve your names before
net/unbound(8) has come up.

$ grep "^include: " /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf.local
  include: "/var/unbound/etc/localzone.hosts.conf"
$ getent hosts | hoststounbound.sh hosts > \
$ sudo unbound-control -c /var/unbound/etc/unbound.conf.local reload

$ cat hoststounbound.sh # handle with care!
#!/bin/sh -e
local _zone=${1:-"hosts"}
function _doit {
        local _zone="${1}"
        local _ip=""
        local _names=""
        local _name=""
        local _word_count=""
        local _word=""
        print "server:\n"
        print "local-zone: \"${_zone}\" transparent\n"
        while read _line; do
                [[ "X${_line}" == X"#"* ]] && continue
                for _word in $_line; do
                        if [[ $_word_count -eq 0 ]]; then
                                # first: ip
                        elif [[ "X${_word}" == X"#"* ]]; then
                                # skip after # in line
                                # remains: names and aliases
                                _names="${_names}${_word} "
                        _word_count=$((_word_count + 1))
                # skip localhost
                #[[ "X${_ip}" == X"" || "X${_ip}" == X"::1" ]] && 
                [[ "X${_ip}" == X*":"* ]] && a="AAAA"
                for _name in $_names; do
                        print "local-data: \"${_name} ${a} ${_ip}\""
                        print "local-data-ptr: \"${_ip} ${_name}\"\n"
_doit "${_zone}"

> Also as nice as it is to have the core dhcpd create pf tables it has
> otherwise very limited functionality, such as lack of support for
> "option space", which can be used to request a system release it's
> lease on shutdown 

I could not figure out which dhcp option(s) you are referring to. Please
specify option number and RFC number. 

For options with names see:
dhcp-options(5) (beeing reworked currently)

For options without names use e.g. ``option-252''

> thereby keeping the created *_ip_tables more

Do you mean pf.conf(5) tables here? Or dhcp leases table

> up-to-date. Option space is also good for preventing some of the WPAD
> nonsense and assisting in NetBIOS configurations.

Could you be more specific, please?

Bye, Marcus
> Using the packaged dhcpd would most likely eliminate the startup issue
> and provide the missing dhcpd functionality but one would also lose
> the tight pf integration.

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