Spruell, Darren-Perot wrote:
> By each user having its own UID, you mean each is a local UNIX user account?

Yes and no. My users would have a unix-account if the ldap-accounts were
visible to OpenBSD. (Nevertheless they are not allowed to login.)

> You're not doing virtual user setup with qmail-ldap?


> Assuming you were, you could use the deliveryProgramPath attribute, e.g.:
>  deliveryProgramPath: /usr/local/bin/maildrop .mailfilter
> Works in my environment, but I'm using the virtual user setup with one UNIX
> user.

That's what most admins do because it's much easier to administrate. But
I like the idea of running each process with its own uid. I spent a lot
of time in making this work. cgis and cronjobs are written in c for example.

Currently, I'm figuring out if it is possible for me to write my own filter.

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