I was sure having wireless dongle up and working is just
an easy job. Seems I was wrong. This morning I connected
ethernet cable to laptop, configured hostname.rl0 and it
was airborne. I did similar for dongle rsu0 and failed.
To remind

rsu0 at uhub0 port 2 "Manufacturer Realtek 11n Adapter" rev 2.00/2.00 addr 2
rsu0: MAC/BB RTL8712 cut 3, address 1c:7e:e5:1f:a1:f3

Regarding data, it is d-link dwa-131 with rtl8191su chip.
I checked out router configuration and found no connection
from the dongle. Router is dd-wrt, wpa2-aes, mac filtered.
I set ssid as hidden.
Dongle blinks and the system gives a message:

rsu0: could not send site survey command

Further I tried another step. I did "fw_update". It shows
no message and the result is the same.
I assume something is wrong either in configuration or
in hardware. Maybe this chip does not support wpa2-aes.
I'd be glad to hear what newer dongles people use suc-
cessfully with hidden ssid and wpa2? Investing might
prove better.
Best regards


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