> Setting the variable to cd path is not useful, because all file sets are
> unpacked by default so you don't need it anymore in terms of installing
> additional packages.

The official CDs have the packages (the CDs you buy and get in the mail, not 
the one you burn from install*.iso), so it *is* useful.

Also, as stated before on this thread, the installer is designed to fit on a 
1.44Mb floppy, which is quite a feat, and this requires that the installer does
nothing but the strictly necessary to get the base system installed. That
excludes 'convenience functions' like asking you for confirmation on every
single step (this has been discussed previously here, SFTA if you care) or
compensating for your laziness of setting an environmental variable of about 50
characters on your .profile, which is something you have to do only once and if
properly done will even stick across upgrades.

You'll learn to love the installer script. If you don't love it yet, grab an
image of some linux distro, OSX, windows, whatever and do a basic install. Then
install OpenBSD again. Repeat until convinced (it won't take long, trust me).

By the way, everyone here appreciates your input (the FAQ broken link you
spotted is a fine example), especially if you attach a patch. But make sure you
think carefully before you start suggesting thinks and even more before
criticising them. Most of the developers have been doing this for a very long
time, and have been doing a fine job. Usually there are very good reasons for
things being as they are.

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