On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 10:16:09PM +0100, mhca12 wrote:
> What's the status of the root partion-less full disk
> encryption changes? Is it already good enough and
> are there (semi-)official install images with it enabled?

You can create a crypto disk during or after installation (type !
at any prompt in the installer to get a shell prompt).
See softraid(4) and bioctl(8) man pages.

However, the installer does not automate this for you so make
sure you understand how to install and upgrade the machine
before using it in production.

If you've never used encrypted disks on OpenBSD I'd recommend
trying to create an encrypted USB key disk first, then perhaps
encrypt just the /home partition next, and work your way out from there.

Also see posts from this thread: http://marc.info/?t=135251654400001&r=1&w=2

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