Your right. I can view that struct also. The other structs I tried must have
been out of scope. Thanks for your help Philip.


-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Guenther [] 
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 6:51 PM
To: Justin Mayes
Subject: Re: Kernel Debugging

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 1:34 PM, Justin Mayes <> wrote:
> I was looking into kernel debug options and found that trying to build 
> a kernel with kgdb option enabled fails.

If no one uses it, it won't keep working.  Submitting a patch to fix the
build would be a first step.  I suggest trying it both with DDB and without
DDB: those should both work.

> Anyone using the kgdb setup? I can
> use ddb it's just painful to have to manually walk structures to 
> examine values. I have moved on to plan B which was to build with 
> option  DDB_STRUCT and the build is a success but the 'show struct' 
> command always returns 'unknown structure' for anything other than 
> mbuf. Anyone have any kernel debugging strategies they'd like to share?

DDB_STRUCT works for me for other structures.  For example, here's a session
looking at a firefox struct proc:

Stopped at      Debugger+0x5:   leave
 ddb{0}> ps/a
 PID  COMMAND          STRUCT PROC *             UAREA *      VMSPACE/VM_MAP
 16253  firefox     0xfffffe812af09798  0xffff800032dd6000
  8061  xpdf        0xfffffe81280e1a08  0xffff800032dfe000
 31009  firefox     0xfffffe81280e17a0  0xffff800032df9000
  5390  firefox     0xfffffe81280e1c70  0xffff800032e0d000
 10871  less        0xfffffe81280e1068  0xffff800032df4000
 28672  vi          0xfffffe8129b0d7a8  0xffff800032e16000
 24081  firefox     0xfffffe81280e12d0  0xffff800032def000
 29697  firefox     0xfffffe812af09c68  0xffff800032de5000
 19401  firefox     0xfffffe812af09a00  0xffff800032de0000
 27330  firefox     0xfffffe8135a2b4f0  0xffff800032ddb000
 13735  firefox     0xfffffe812af09530  0xffff800032dd1000
   819  firefox     0xfffffe812af092c8  0xffff800032dcc000
 13812  firefox     0xfffffe812de71c60  0xffff800032dc2000
 15769  firefox     0xfffffe812af09060  0xffff800032dc7000
  2108  firefox     0xfffffe812de719f8  0xffff800032dbd000
  7957  firefox     0xfffffe812de71790  0xffff800032db8000
 20128  firefox     0xfffffe812de71528  0xffff800032db3000
  4339  firefox     0xfffffe812de712c0  0xffff800032da6000
 20161  firefox     0xfffffe812de71058  0xffff800032da1000
  4258  firefox     0xfffffe812f591c58  0xffff800032d9c000
  4495  firefox     0xfffffe812f5919f0  0xffff800032d8f000
 ddb{0}> show struct
proc 0xfffffe812af09798
struct proc at 0xfffffe812af09798 (616 bytes)
p_runq                         16
p_list                         16
p_p                            8     fffffe81368ad7c8
p_thr_link                     16
p_fd                           8     fffffe81377d1898
p_vmspace                      8     fffffe81305ec1d0
p_sigacts                      8     fffffe8136f246c0
p_exitsig                      4                    0
p_flag                         4              4100080
p_spare                        1                   ef
p_stat                         1                    3
p_pad1                         1                   af
p_descfd                       1                   de
p_pid                          4                 3f7d
p_hash                         16
p_dupfd                        4                    0
p_thrslpid                     8            2309e1800
p_sigwait                      4                    0
p_estcpu                       4                    0
p_cpticks                      4                    0
p_pctcpu                       4                    0
p_wchan                        8     fffffe812af09810
p_sleep_to                     40
p_wmesg                        8     ffffffff8083585c
p_swtime                       4                   32
p_slptime                      4                    e
p_cpu                          8     ffff8000001c1000
p_ru                           144
p_tu                           40
p_rtime                        16
p_uticks                       4                    0
p_sticks                       4                    0
p_iticks                       4                    0
p_systrace                     8                    0
p_siglist                      4                    0
p_textvp                       8     fffffe812e522160
p_emuldata                     8                    0
p_sigdivert                    4                    0
p_sigmask                      4                    0
p_priority                     1                   32
p_usrpri                       1                   32
p_comm[17]                     1   66   69   72   65   66   6f   78    0
                                    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
p_emul                         8     ffffffff80a4eb00
p_sigstk                       24
p_sigcode                      8            2034cd000
p_prof_addr                    8                    0
p_prof_ticks                   8                    0
p_addr                         8     ffff800032dd6000
p_md                           16
p_oldmask                      4             deafbeef
p_sigval                       8     deafbeefdeafbeef
p_sisig                        4             deafbeef
p_sicode                       4             deafbeef
p_sitrapno                     8     deafbeefdeafbeef
p_xstat                        2                    0

As far as other random kernel debugging idea, I've occasionally added extra
counters on code paths and then used "pstat -d d counter_name"
to dump it from userspace, or circular buffers that the kernel snprintf()'s
to and then dumped them with "pstat -d s buffer_name".  I know some debug
nasty low-level stuff using qemu or blochs to run the kernel in emulation
where they can stop it and dump memory and register when it blows up.

Philip Guenther

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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