On 2012-12-22, Martijn van Duren <m.vandu...@jonker.nl> wrote:
> Hello misc,
> I recently compiled minidlna to run on my local OBSD based home server.
> It runs great by default, but it relies upon inotify to receive
> information on filesystem changes.
> I really like the program, but it's a nuisance to rescan my multimedia
> directories every time I add a new file, so I made an attempt at
> implementing kqueue. Compared to inotify I run into two different
> problems with kqueue.
> 1) It is based upon open file descriptors, so I can't include every
> directory I have in my multimedia-collection, because I run out of open
> file descriptors.
> 2) It only shows that there has been a change in the directory, so I
> have to do a full compare of the files in the directory compared to the
> entries in the database.
> Both aren't really big problems (the second is merely a nuisance and the
> first one can be, albeit somewhat incomplete, worked around by just
> including the most current directories). But I would really like to know
> if there is alternative API in OpenBSD (and preferably even more
> portable then that) that comes closer to Linux' inotify functionality,
> or do I just have to make do with kqueue?
> Sincerely,
> Martijn van Duren

I don't think there's an alternative; it may be worth taking a look at
glib's gio-kqueue backend (used in devel/glib2 port; the patch is
at http://distfiles.bsdfrog.org/glib-gio-kqueue-2.34.2-v2.patch)
as used by gnome-tracker.

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