I try to install OpenBSD 5.2 i386 to a box with this board.
It has an Intel G645 Pentium processor with 4GB of ram and a 500G of Sata3
hard drive.
It has an onboard AR8151 ethernet which I understand is not supported by
the generic kernel.
There is a web page about a diff workaround which dont I dont bother now
because I plan to use other nics in the worst case.
So my problem is not currently with this nic now.
I hardly installed 5.2 generic (it took 5-6 hours, because the cdrom was
too slow) and now it cant boot.
I mean, when booting it comes to this line in dmesg
root on wd0a ..... swap on wd0b dump on wd0b
and the error occurs
"init : cannot stat /etc/login.conf No such file or directory
sh: /etc/rc No such file or directory
init: /etc/pwd.db No such file ....
Enter pathname of shell ....."

I guess the /etc/ filesystem is not mounted or there is no such filesystem.
I try to change some bios settings without success.
Even I tried disable acpi option when booting but this leads to debugger
menu from where I dont know how to report the dump etc.

So any help would be appreciated.
Here is the board manifacture's web page

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