On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 11:01 PM, Mike Larkin <mlar...@azathoth.net> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 05:46:39PM +0100, Tomas Bodzar wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> my friend tested OpenBSD amd64 (5.2 and current) with Asus U36S, but
>> install goes always fine. However first reboot always result in a
>> kernel panic related to aml and acpi. BIOS is 203, there's newer one
>> 206 with updates to VGA bios and 205 was with updates to BIOS (Asus
>> doesn't describe those well). I have three pictures taken by him of
>> trace and ps if anyone interested (in ps is only swapper anyway).
>> It boots once 'disable acpi' done in UKC. In terminal it looks fine
>> (asking for dmesg), just doing startx hangs PC. He will try to update
>> BIOS today.
> dmesg and panic text with trace, please. An acpidump would also be
> useful.

I will be able to collect those during this week. However this is
nVidia Optimus platform for VGA and even in latest BIOS there's not
switch to use only integrated Intel VGA so let's see what will happen.
On AC adapter it runs nVidia, without AC adapter it runs Intel.

> -ml

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