Hi, SiteB and Sitec have OpenBSD Firewall ?

The vpn is firewall to firewall, the manage of network is only route add
xxx xx

2012/12/14 Henry Stilmack <h.stilm...@jach.hawaii.edu>

> Running OpenBSD 4.5 (I know, I should upgrade it), with isakmpd and ipsec.
> Here's what I want to do:
>          |----------|==================SiteB)
> SiteA ---| Firewall |   VPN Tunnels         )---multiple subnets
>          |----------|==================SiteC)
> In words:
> I have a site in the US with an OpenBSD 4.5 firewall. It has one
> connection to the Internet via a University LAN. We have set up IPsec
> tunnels to 2 UK sites, which each act as VPN gateways to multiple
> subnets. We want to have failover between the tunnels, but we want the
> primary routes for the subnets to be configured through the "closest"
> gateway.
> I've seen lots of discussion on how to do failover if you have multiple
> external connections, but basically we are trying to set up failover if
> one of the remote endpoints goes down, and to route the subnets on the
> remote end dynamically.
> Is this even possible?
> --
> Henry Stilmack <h.stilm...@jach.hawaii.edu> Systems Administrator
> UK/Canada/Netherlands Joint Astronomy Centre   Tel: +1 808-969-6530
> 660 N. A'ohoku Place, Hilo, HI 96720           Fax: +1 808-961-6516
> GPG key: ID=70E73E16 Signature=133F14E79A8AE9858F38 3BA8BF2D914A70E73E16

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