Oh, I missed this in the earlier mail:

> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 64 variable keys, 0 key codes
> ukbd1 at uhidev1 reportid 3: 56 variable keys, 0 key codes
Maybe there will be some more clues with a kernel with HIDKBD_DEBUG
defined, and hidkbddebug=1 (see /sys/dev/usb/hidkbd.c)

On 2012-11-15, yunplusplus <yunplusp...@163.com> wrote:
> If it is the problem as these web pages describe, does it mean there is no 
> easy
> way to correct the behaviour of the Noppoo keyboard on OpenBSD, no matter
> 5.2 or current?

The ukbd(4) driver would need to be modified in order to support it.
It has support for some n-key rollover keyboards since 5.2
(hidkbd.c r1.6 / hidkbdsc.h r1.3).

As a workaround some people have suggested connecting the cable
from the keyboard to a passive USB->PS/2 converter (the type you
would use if plugging into a computer with only PS/2 sockets),
and then plugging that into a PS/2->USB converter (the type you
would use to plug an old PS/2-only keyboard into a USB-only

> Here is the lsusb -d 106: -v output:


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