On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 12:40:46PM -0600, Denny White wrote:

> Okay Andy, I appreciate the info. If you have time, can you
> answer one more question? Could I alleviate this discrepancy
> by pkg_delete all installed packages and also deleting all
> of /usr/ports/distfiles, and then reinstall packages? And yes,

I'm not Andy, but I do have a moment to answer ...

As Andy said, sometimes snapshot packages lag behind userland
snapshots.  So installing packages might or might not make a
difference.  If the packages are newer than the base snapshot,
then it probably will at least take care of libc and libpthread
"out of date" reports.

There's no need to delete everything in /usr/ports/distfiles.
That definitely won't make a difference, and if you build ports,
you will probably be redownloading some of those files.


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