On 11/10/12, Barry Grumbine <barry.grumb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 7:58 PM, hepta tor <hepta...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Are there any plans to provide some simple ways for full disk
>> encryption in OpenBSD? I now that there are some approaches/tools to
>> encrypt volumes, but I'd like to know if it also possible to encrypt
>> the boot and swap partitions and have simple means for this.
>> In the FAQ it says:
>> "If an attacker has physical access to your system, they win,
>> regardless of the OS on the computer. There are ways to force the use
>> of a password on single-user mode (see ttys(5)), or eliminate the
>> pause on i386/amd64 (see boot.conf), but practically speaking, getting
>> around those tricks is also pretty easy (One way: boot floppy or
>> CDROM, edit or replace password file). You can try to prevent that,
>> but then someone will pull the hard disk out of your computer. Making
>> your computer difficult to manage properly isn't real security, and if
>> you don't have the physical machine secured, you have no real
>> security. "
>> Does this mean that OpenBSD doesn't strive to provide any build-in
>> security when "you don't have the physical machine secured"?
>> thanks!
>> hepta
> Read this thread:
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=135198427413548&w=2
> run -current.

Thanks for the pointer. Do you know if there are any guidelines on how
to configure FDE with what's implemented in -current?
At http://geekyschmidt.com/2011/01/19/configuring-openbsd-softraid-fo-encryption
there is a kind of mini tutorial on how to configure softraid for
encryption - does anyone know if this is compatible with what's
implemented in -current?

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