Hello everybody,

I return with the same question.

I am sorry I am
disturbing you with such questions, but I really do not know where to ask
advice, and this is the most appropriate place.

The service I created is not
http-like, so there are no headers where to insert the original IP.

reason I want this is that the daemon is wriiten in Erlang and ssl processing
consumes memory and processor, As one can imagine all ssl processing is going
on in the same erlang virtual machine , and a low resource footprint is
required; ssl increases the resource consumption due to the fact ssl erlang
library is built.

If all ssl processing is moved outside erlang virtual
machine, than resource consumption decreases dramatically, but also I need the
original IP address to be seen by the daemon, not the address of relayd host -

The problem with Erlang, dispite its support for massive
concurrency, is that all threads are running inside a single instance of a
erlang virtual machine so care need to be taken to ensure that there are no
memory and processor hungry threads inside that machine instance, and ssl
threads are such kind of threads.

ssl offloading with relayd results in both
speed processing and low resource footprint of the daemon.
relayd really
outperfoms erlang at ssl processing.
relayd is fast, stable, reliable and
secure and I really want to take advantage of these.

I really want to
offload the ssl processing from that daemon, but also I want the original IP
to be seen by my daemon.

Please somebody give me an advice of how can this
become possible.

At least somebody tell me if this is posible at all, and if
yes how this can be achieved with relayd.

With many thanks in advanced,

 From: Bogdan Andu
To: "misc@openbsd.org" <misc@openbsd.org> 
Sent: Wednesday,
November 7, 2012 9:58 AM
Subject: relayd transparent proxy for a local daemon

I am trying to solve a problem and I am really out of ideas.

I want
to use relayd to setup a transparent reversed proxy with ssl offloading for a
local daemon.

The data flow is the follwing:

Client ------>| $ext_if    
relayd box    lo0 (local daemon) |      

It is possible for local daemon to
see the original client ip, instead of ?

The original client IP
should arrive to the local daemon, because it is needed in further operations.
If it would have been only logging that would have been a problem.

I am aware
of the setup describe here:

but I do not know how
to obtain this behaviour with a local bounded daemon.

This local daemon is
running under an unpriviledged user.

I have the follwing setup:



protocol tcp_ssl_prot {
        # Various TCP performance options
        tcp { nodelay, sack, socket
buffer 65536, backlog 128 }

        ssl { no sslv2, sslv3, tlsv1, ciphers
"HIGH" }
        ssl session cache disable

relay tcp_ssl_inet4 {
Run as a SSL accelerator
        listen on $ext_addr port 1122 ssl
        protocol "tcp_ssl_prot"
        # Forward to hosts in the
webhosts table using a src/dst hash
        transparent forward to
port 1133 interface lo0

pf is disabled (in pf.conf I really do not know
what should I put)

Any idea very much appreciated.

Thank you very much,

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