For unrelated reasons, I can't directly receive the TCP stream.

I must copy the TCP data from a running stream to another server. I
can use tap or just port-mirroring on the switch. So I can't use any
network stack or leverage any offloading.

I also need to modify the received data, and add few application
headers before sending it as a multicast udp stream.

Winsock is userland. What I want to do is in the kernel, even before
ip_input. I guess it should be faster.

I am looking at netFPGA too, but prefer to do this in software.

Best regards,

On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 7:36 PM, Johan Beisser <> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 4:12 AM, Dan Shechter <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> <current situation>
>> A windows 2008 server is receiving TCP traffic from a stock exchange
>> and sends it, almost as is, using UDP multicast to automated high
>> frequancy traders.
>> StockExchange --TCP---> windows2008 ---MCAST-UDP---->
>> On average, the time it take to do the TCP to UDP translation, using
>> winsock, is 240 micro seconds. It can even be as high as 60,000 micro
>> seconds.
>> </current situation>
>> <my idea>
>> 1. Use port mirroring to get the TCP data sent to a dedicated OpenBSD
>> box with two NICs. One for the TCP, the other for the multicast UDP.
> You'll incur an extra penalty offloading to the kernel. Winsock is
> already doing that, though.
>> 2. Put the TCP port in a promiscuous mode.
> Why? You can just set up the right bits to listen to on the network,
> and pull raw frames to be processed. Or, just let the network stack
> behave as it should.
>> 3. Write my TCP->UDP logic directly into ether_input.c
> Any reason to not use pf for this translation?
>> </my idea>
>> Now for the questions:
>> 1. Am I on the right track? or in other words how crazy is my idea?
> Pretty crazy. You may want to see if there's hardware accelerated or
> on NIC TCP off-load options instead.
>> 2. What would be the latency? Can I achieve 50 microseconds between
>> getting the interrupt and until sending the new packet through the
>> NIC?
> See above. You'll end up having to do some tuning.
>> 3. Which NIC/CPU/Memory should I use? Money is not a problem.
> Custom order a few NICs, hire a developer to write a driver to offload
> TCP/UDP on the NIC, and enable as little kernel interference as
> possible.
> Money's not a problem, right?

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