On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 5:28 PM, Friedrich Locke
<friedrich.lo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear list members,
> I have setted up a web server in my working environment and i was asked to
> install webalizer. Now my boss asked me to install a tool that "looks" at
> webalizer stats files and suggest a hardware capacity for that workload
> reported by webalizer.
> I dont know what to tell him. Why do you think he asked me that ?

For example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webalizer#Criticism and you
will be able to find a lot of others. That's for your boss :-) You can
continue here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_web_analytics_software
, but webalizer and piwik (or even more) are available in OpenBSD
ports/packages. Real question is what your boss wants to achieve and
if he knows why he needs something like that at all as that is mostly
biggest issue. That's however your job to prove that solution you
implemented out of your ideas (not one you were forced to do by higher
management) is working as expected and as company needs. Then it's
easy and you can offer alternatives and show results from that. If
your boss is looking just for some stick then best is to simply
implement it and clearly stating why it will not help (after you test
yourself) and that he will be responsible for false results out of
that (they are mostly scared to be responsible for something).

BTW here on misc@ are people which are using integrated Apache 1.3.x
with thousands of clients on not so modern HW so even virtual machine
can keep that pretty good (if you are not on some crippled
virtualization - which is not these days? :-)). It just leads to thing
that even tools in base system like
pflow,systat,pfctl,netstat,iostat,vmstat,top,sar and some others you
can measure pretty well if your webserver really needs physical HW.

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