On Nov 2, 2012, at 3:04 PM, Tyler Morgan wrote:

> On 11/2/2012 6:39 AM, Devin Ceartas wrote:
>> hp laptop with Intel SSD won't boot under 5.2 - the problem reported on
>> screen appears to be the one described here:
>> http://old.nabble.com/Re%3A-Fwd%3A--mSATA-failure-on-6501-w--OpenBSD-5.0-td32881415.html#a32884546
>> ahci0: stopping the port, softreset slot 31 was still active.
>> ahci0: failed to reset port during timeout handling, disabling it
>> Does anyone have a patch to try or is there a way to boot into the full
>> system starting from a CD or network boot?
>> -- devin
> If you have no reason not to, try disabling AHCI? A while ago (not now) I had 
> a few motherboards with SSDs that did were not happy with AHCI on. They were 
> extremely low disk use systems, though. Note this will change your disk 
> device names from sdX to wdX (I think) so some minor fstab tinkering may be 
> needed if you aren't using labels or anything.
> Unless you are booting a kernel that has strayed far from generic, I don't 
> think it would matter if you got your kernel from a CD or the network -- it's 
> still the same kernel going after the same hardware and will hit the same 
> problem -- so going to current (as was already suggested) is the only 
> direction to move in. Or to generic, if possible and not already.

Yes, running generic from CD. 

Have downloaded snapshot .iso and will try this weekend when I get a chance to 
burn to CD, install. 

How do I disable AHCI? 

-- devin

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