On 10/29/12 20:12, bofh wrote:
Can someone help me understand how sysmerge works?  I made all the
config changes and then followed the instructions at
http://openbsd.org/faq/upgrade52.html and did this:

# sysmerge -s $RELEASEPATH/etc52.tgz -x $RELEASEPATH/xetc52.tgz

but don't know where the files are stored?  My preference has always
to do a full/new reinstall - how does sysmerge merge it back into the

I feel rather dumb, but read the upgrade and the man page quite a few
times, and don't really get it :(
This undeadly article might help with the history ...


I use something like ...

sysmerge -s http://<mirror>/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/i386/etc52.tgz -x http://<mirror>/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/i386/xetc52.tgz


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