> On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 02:43:14PM -0400, Simon Perreault wrote:
> > What you need to multihome is either BGP or NAT. Exactly as in IPv4.
> > Nothing has changed. The only new thing with IPv6 is that there's
> > more bits.
> Oh? I have two internet connections plugged directly into my desktop box
> at home, it is multihomed and there is no BGP or NAT. This does need
> some policy routing to work with uRPF filtered access lines.
> With IPv6 multihoming should work trivially: plug two access lines into
> a switch, get RAs from both, get addresses from both on your end-host,
> and your end-host needs to select the proper route for each source
> address. Again, no NAT or BGP. Applications will need to support hosts
> having multiple addresses in the future, and happy eyeballs seems to
> have made browsers do that.
What happens if one of your links goes down for a day?

Do all your ssh sessions to everywhere in the world stay up?

The internet has non-transient traffic, too.

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