I saw this in Tomaz's kernel panic post: > second one 'cvs -d $CVSROOT up -Pd ports src xenocara'
The FAQ (openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html) says you can combine directories for checkout but not for update: "You can combine the checkouts into one line (-stable shown): # export CVSROOT=anon...@anoncvs.example.org:/cvs # cd /usr # cvs -d$CVSROOT checkout -rOPENBSD_5_1 -P src ports xenocara However, updates must be done directory-by-directory" Based on this I was doing it directory-by-directory but based on Tomaz's post quoted above it seems you can combine directories for CVS up also? If this is correct it would be nicer (and possibly more correct) than doing three seperate CVS ups. Is the FAQ wrong and/or has CVS changed to allow this, is it a good practice?