On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 19:53, patrick keshishian wrote:
> Hi,
> Just ran across something interesting. I installed Oct 15th amd64
> snapshot on my lenovo X120e. While in Xwindows, building some ports,
> the screen went, what I can best describe as "fuzzy". So I did the
> Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (Zap) to have it restarted. It came back with the
> xdm login prompt, but the display showed the left edge of the root
> window starting at about the middle of the screen, wrapping across the
> display until the two window edges met back up in the middle. So what
> to do? Zap again. This time the screen just remains black. more
> Zapping doesn't improve the situation any. So I ssh into the thinkpad
> and restart xdm. That doesn't help either. Rebooting is the only
> solution.
Does this happen if you exit X normally?  Sounds like the same problem
that affects lots of newer machines.

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