I'm struggling with 7Tb filesystems, it takes about 30 minutes to check
them in case of cold reset. Too much. Very too much.
and currently, no journals or anything else which could speed up 7Tb
filesystems check ?

Almost always (in my mind/experience), file systems that big are bad design. Break your system into chunks, you will end up much happier, and I suspect your users will be, too.

Advanced file systems have costs that have to be considered in system design. ZFS is everyone's favorite file system at the moment, but having played with it a bit, even if it re-released with a ISC/BSD license (don't wait up), I doubt it would ever be accepted into OpenBSD -- it's a knobfest, it's anything BUT set it and ignore it; it's job security for people setting up such systems.

In your case...if you have multiple 500GB or 1TB file systems, you can hopefully mount most of them R/O, and not have to worry about fsck times at all.


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