On Thu, Oct 11, 2012, at 07:10 AM, Илья Шипицин wrote: > ÓÒÅÄÁ, 10 ÏËÔÑÂÒÑ 2012 Ç. ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌØ Nick Holland ÐÉÓÁÌ: > > > On 10/09/2012 12:55 PM, éÌØÑ ûÉÐÉÃÉÎ wrote: > > > >> Hello! > >> > >> I'm investigating /etc/rc script. And I found the following there: > >> > >> if [ -e /fastboot ]; then > >> echo "Fast boot: skipping disk checks." > >> elif [ X"$1" = X"autoboot" ]; then > >> echo "Automatic boot in progress: starting file system checks." > >> > >> > >> hmm... if I put /fastboot, no filesystem will be checked ? > >> > > > > so says the code, yes. > > > > how it supposed > >> to work for non-nfs filesystems ? > >> > > > > "properly"? > > > > they'll be not checked, too? > > > > Just one more question. > If /fastboot presents, filesystem won't be checked, right? > But how does fsck detects if there's /fastboot? Is it possible thing to > do > without actually mount it? > > Is it possible to mount dirty filesystem in read-only mode ? If not, it > doesn't make sense at all. >
Dude, stop worrying about it. It is deprecated. Unless you put it there it will never be there.