Alari Kask wrote: ... [I *refuse* to post that link again] I was right, more damage than good.
I *really* wish people would quit accomplishing one little thing, writing it up in "HOWTO" form, and patting themselves on the back and thinking they were doing the world some kind of favor by publishing it. YOU ARE NOT. I pity the fool who thinks that seeing something in print makes it somehow true. There are a lot of such fools, unfortunately. "Oh, look, I found it on a web page, it must be true!" In the free world, you have the right to speak and write as you wish, regardless of the accuracy, but I will warn people: THINK, DAMMIT. Just because someone put it on a web page with an OpenBSD graphic DOES NOT MAKE IT USEFUL or even close to accurate. With this document, you try to lead people on a long path that will only sometimes get them where they want to go, and yet, the direct route (snapshots) is simpler, safer and faster. The long route has twists and turns you do not warn people about. Nick.