
After some tests (on a new tmux server, started with "tmux -L test ..."), I 
could (partially) reproduce the problem.

Partially, because:
 in fstat output there are 2 kinds of "bugged" entries: tty and null
  tty:  181 descriptors
  null: 320 descriptors

And I arrived to keep descriptors opened against /dev/tty , but not against 
/dev/null (for the moment, but I monitor what in my use what generate this...).

This occurs with urlview (textproc/urlview), with a custom url_handler.

Basically urlview take a text in stdin (generally an email), and display a menu 
(ncurses) of URLs found in the text. The user choose an URL, and urlview start 
a command (in my case, a custom script).

First, my configuration:
$ cat ~/.urlview
# command to invoke for selected URL
COMMAND /home/semarie/.local/bin/urlview_handler.sh

Next, the command started by urlview:
$ cat /home/semarie/.local/bin/urlview_handler.sh

# if TMUX enable, update environment
if [ -n "${TMUX}" ] ; then
  eval  `tmux show-environment | grep -v '^-' | sed 's/=\(.*\)$/=\"\1\"/'`
  unset `tmux show-environment | grep    '^-' | sed 's/^-//'`
  export `tmux show-environment | grep -v '^-' | sed 's/=\(.*\)$//'`

# check DISPLAY
if [ -n "${DISPLAY}" ] ; then
  exec chrome "$@"

# if not DISPLAY
exec lynx "$@"

And when I launch the command:
$ echo 'http://www.openbsd.org/' | urlview

3 new descriptors against "tty" are opened and not closed after the command. 
There are directly correlate with the 3 "tmux show-environment" in the script.

I don't remind exactly the purpose of updating the environnement in the 
script... should be to keep kerberos ticket or display environnement in 
text-mode ... but ?

Additionnaly, running the url_hander alone (without urlview) don't trigger the 

I will disabling the part of "updating environment" in my script (and if I 
always need it, I will recall when something won't work !)

I will post when I have more info.

Please let me known if more informations are needed.

Sebastien Marie

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