Hello, I'm trying to do roadwarrior VPN between OSX (mobile) and OpenBSD (gateway) using certificates for peer identification. Is it possible to list a UFQDN as a peer? When I try something like this on the gateway:
ike passive from any to any peer u...@host.tld \ main auth hmac-sha1 enc aes group modp2048 \ quick auth hmac-sha2-256 enc blowfish \ psk "super secret string" ipsecctl complains of a syntax error. If anyone has a link to an ipsec.conf that has an example of using UFQDNs to identify peers I would be eternally grateful. It seems nearly every example just uses PSK alone, or if a certificate is used it's by hostname. PS If I place the trusted certificates in /etc/isakmp/pubkeys/ufqdn do they absolutely have to have subjectAlternateName, or is having the email address in the CN sufficient (CN=u...@host.tld/emailAddress=u...@host.tld)? Any tips are immensely appreciated. -- chort