Hi misc,
I am running relayd for 2 Zimbra Servers in LAN . ( with method *relay* in /etc/relayd.conf file - *NOT redirect *) relayctl show summary showed the correct summary. But, suddenly, 2 hours later, It didNOT work. I checked with the command relayctl show summary but , it gave an error related /var/run/relayd.sock I checked /var/run/relayd.sock file. But It did NOT exist @ that time. I just run "relayd" command again then, /var/run/relayd.sock appeared Now, Everything is OK. then, I just added *prefork 10* to /etc/relayd.conf file on both Boxes. I would like to know why this happened. (This is on Openbsd 5.1 64 bit - actually 2 boxes with relayd, PF , pfsync and carp ) These are actually 2 Vms running on 2 redhat 6.2 - 64bit KVMs ( network drivers are e1000 ( em0 and em1) Any comments ? -- Thank you Indunil Jayasooriya