03.08.2012 17:15 пользователь "Dr.-Ing. Torsten Finke" <
torsten.fi...@igh-essen.com> написал:
> Dear List,
> my network is connected to the internet by three different DSL
> connections. At connection my ISP provides always the same IP addresses,
> that they are effectively configured with a fix IP address each. These
> connections are managed by my external firewall.
> Outbound traffic is load balanced via round robin on the three mpath
> routes.
> Since I run several services on my system (e.g. openvpn, which is actually
> served by my internal firewall), I have to ensure, that inbound traffic
> be returned to exactly that connection the request came from. This is
done by
> the following pf rules (openvpn handling as an example among others):
> #---------------------------------------------------------------
> ext_if0 = "tun0"
> ext_if1 = "tun1"
> ext_if2 = "tun2"
> int_fw  = # my internal firewall's address
> ...
> pass in quick on $ext_if0 proto udp from any to any port 1194 \
>     rdr-to $int_fw port 1194 reply-to ( $ext_if0 $ext_if0:peer )
> pass in quick on $ext_if1 proto udp from any to any port 1194 \
>     rdr-to $int_fw port 1194 reply-to ( $ext_if1 $ext_if1:peer )
> pass in quick on $ext_if2 proto udp from any to any port 1194 \
>     rdr-to $int_fw port 1194 reply-to ( $ext_if2 $ext_if2:peer )
> #---------------------------------------------------------------
> May there be any trick that avoids this rule definition for each
connection? I
> am trying to get the rules more simple and also looking for a rule, that
> independent of the actual connection state (if one of the connections is
> broken, pfctl complains about an unreacheable peer of course).
> Has anyone tried somthing like this using pf anchors?

I had a patch adding support for routing options to "match" rules, but it
lacked pfsync support. If you're interested, I can try to update it and
send (or you can avoid waiting and search tech@ archives yourself). AFAIK,
previous version still works at the place I've quit a year ago.

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