On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 7:29 PM, Alessandro Baggi
<alessandro.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi list,
> today I've installed OpenBSD 5.1 amd64 on a kvm (linux slackware) kvm
> version is 1.0.1.
> Starting machine with 4 core, and bsd.mp it crash.
> Disabling mpbios see only one core and not smp.
> Then, I've updated kvm to 1.1.1 but the results are the same.

Better to try current of OpenBSD probably

> There is someone that has started obsd on kvm and avoid this problem?
> This problem is kvm related?
> Another, someone has tried obsd 5.1 on ESX?

Best platform for OpenBSD when you need to virtualize (doesn't mean
same as you need to do that)


> Thanks in advance.

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