Roy Morris wrote:
I have been working on a document for newbies that helps
them put together a basic/functional desktop under OpenBSD.
If anyone has time, I'd like feed back.


1. I'd get rid of the rdate cron job and just turn on openntpd. It's much more efficient, IMO, and you can easily "set it and forget it."

2. I wouldn't add static host mappings to .ssh/config. I would just add them to /etc/hosts since that is what it's made for.

3. Add the option of creating a tar file for backing up. You can just burn this to cd or copy (scp, sftp, ftp, nfs, smb) this to another system.

In general, this is a good start. One more piece of advice, try not to make the document too narrative, but rather just put in what the user needs to know to get a desktop working.

Might be good to update for 3.8 too.


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