On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 2:12 PM, Code Blue <codeb...@inbox.lv> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 05, 2012 at 12:17:27PM +0200, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
>> Loongson is not experimental. There are less users using it compared
>> to some other platforms, but the port is certainly stable enough to be
>> used for real stuff. I'm running a Fuloong as my general purpose
>> mai/file/dns/web server at home and i have had zero trouble with it.
>> In fact I'm typing this mail on it ...
> I was running fine on 5.1 but based on the comment from the previous poster
> I reinstalled the snapshot (5.2). I was then unable to install any packages
> from snapshots because of library errors. For example:
> # pkg_add mutt-1.5.21p0v0-sasl
> Can't install libiconv-1.14 because of libraries
> |library c.64.1 not found
> | /usr/lib/libc.so.65.0 (system): bad major
> Can't install qdbm-1.8.78: can't resolve libiconv-1.14
> Can't install cyrus-sasl-2.1.25p3 because of libraries
> Can't install gettext-0.18.1p1: can't resolve libiconv-1.14
> Can't install lmutt-1.5.21p0v0-sasl: can't resolve 
> cyrus-sasl-2.1.25p3,libiconv-1.14,qdbm-1.8.78,gettext-0.18.1p1

It shows that your system is newer then package you want to install.
So look arround mirrors where is actual file/packages. It takes some
time to distribute packages to all mirrors and build of packages for
all platforms take some time as well.

> I don't know whether I should reinstall 5.1 and use it until 5.2 comes out
> or whether I should continue and try to track -current and see if the issues
> are resolved, but I am not looking forward to compiling much source given
> the lack of framebuffer acceleration! I used to track -stable on i386 but I
> have been away from OpenBSD for a while so I am a little rusty on all
> this.
> Are you running -current or 5.1 and since you are using it for a server and
> it is working fine for you, what would you recommend?

Using snapshots is fine as you are doing just binary upgrades of
system and packages and it's really very easy. In your case you can
try compile from ports, but set FETCH_PACKAGES=Yes in /etc/mk.conf to
avoid compilation of packages which are available as binary. Don't
forget on http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq15.html#PortsConfig

> Thanks.
> --
>                        _
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