[At the risk of starting yet another flame war...]

On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 2:31 AM, Ryan McBride <mcbr...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> It's not critical because they can change the state table implementation
> later - OpenBSD has reorganised this several times with more planned -
> but we've put quite a bit of effort into removing hash tables in our
> kernel wherever possible, partly due to their attackability.

For what it's worth, DJB just published a paper introducing a new
cryptographic PRF "SipHash" that's competitive in performance with
other non-cryptographic hashing functions:

In the paper he proposes that using SipHash along with a random
per-hash-table key should allow for hash tables that are resistant to
hash flooding attacks.  I think it would be interesting to see as an
experiment how pf performance compares with its current red-black
trees vs SipHash-based hash tables.

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