On 06/23/2012 01:12 PM, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2012/06/23 11:02, Ben Calvert wrote:
>> Optiplexes have a reputation for spontaneously letting the magic smoke out
of their own power supply capacitors. hard to recommend unless you have a good
support deal with dell
> Knowing which way round to hold a soldering iron is a useful skill
> if you're dealing with cheap hardware :)

While on the subject of cheap hardware........

My test lab is made of a bunch of Wyse 941GXLs I bought on Ebay.


Mine specifically have Via C3 1Ghz CPUs (i386 only) with 256MB RAM (with
an empty DIMM slot) and I use IDE to CF adapters like these:


... (with CF cards, of course) for the boot disks. The cards are kind of
a tight fit, but you can still add a half-length PCI card to the units,
and I have mine populated with these:


I haven't had any issues out of any of them, running at times for weeks
on end doing various tasks. They're also silent :)

I spent about $100 on each of them a while back, and prices look to have
come down a good bit since then. A very good purchase, in my opinion.


I don't really think these fit your needs very well, but thought I'd
throw these out there while the subject was on cheap hardware. *I'd
personally look at* some of the more current and powerful Mini-ITX
stuff. You can even get LGA1155 Mini-ITX boards nowdays, with i7
processor support for around $75 (Intel BOXDH61DLB3, for example) and
add whatever components you want to it. If you're on a budget, a Celeron
G530 should work and would kill an Atom or E-350 at any task.

Thank you,
James Shupe

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