On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 1:39 PM, Tomas Bodzar <tomas.bod...@gmail.com> wrote: > On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:51 PM, Bahador NazariFard > <bahador.nazarif...@gmail.com> wrote: >> #echo servers pool.ntp.org > /etc/ntpd.conf >> # ntpd >> this command never change local system time > > It's not command. It's daemon so it starts server. Try with 'ntpd -D' > to see if it's getting your setup from /etc/ntpd.conf . You can check > /var/log/daemon as well to see if ntpd is doing something. >
sorry. 'ntpd -d' can you ping pool.ntp.org ? You will confirm that DNS works, but still firewall may block ntp communication (will be visible in ntpd -d if there's connection or not) >> >> #ntpd -s >> change local system time but I have very strange problem in php >> #echo echo '<?php `ntpd -s` ?>'|php-5.3 >> above command never exit.