On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 01:00:18PM -0700, Chris Kuethe wrote:
> On the subject of logging to CF, I'm now running my CF cards rw,
> and using them like a normal disk. I've been doing this for at
> least 6 months now, and I'll post something when I start seeing
> failures.

Are you using "regular" CF cards?  What is the role of the system
for which you did this (i.e. does a lot of writing occur)?

FYI, you can buy "industrial" compact flash cards which are supposed
to have a much longer read-write lifetime, for example:


Of course, I don't know if that's a legitimately more durable CF
card, or just marketing.

Has anyone else out there been brave enough to go rw on their CF
cards?  Results?

CF cards are so small and cheap (not to mention using very little
power and produce very little heat), it would be cool if you could
just plug two or three in there, only actually using one at a time.
If one started having problems, just go to the next (automatic
failover).  Hardware that did that automatically would be REALLY
nice, but I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to do in software.


Matt Garman
email at: http://raw-sewage.net/index.php?file=email

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