On 06/21/12 18:02, Kenneth R Westerback wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 12:26:23AM +1000, Jonathan Gray wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 11:54:55PM +1000, Jonathan Gray wrote:
>> > It seems the lba48 capacity values being pulled out aren't sane
>> > for whatever reason.
>> > 
>> > Can you try switch the controller into ahci mode via the bios?
>> Looking at this again, it seems there is no support for 4k
>> sectors with wd(4) only sd(4).  So until someone with a 4k sector disk
>> can change that code you'll have to switch the controller to ahci mode.
> Dammit. The plan was for wd(4) to die before disks got that big. Sigh.
> .... Ken

ok, let's see if I got this right...
that's not a >2TB disk issue, that's a 4k issue, so this could
potentially bite people with smaller disks that were also 4k sectored?

(who has rather little ahci stuff in the barn)

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