dump "xset -q" and "wsconsctl -a", compare working/non-working states, check 
for possible race condition?

-- p

>"xset dpms 5 10 15" isn't doing anything either, nor "xset s 4".
>On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 11:40 PM, Robert Connolly <
>robertconnolly1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sometimes apmd crashes from a system suspend, and sometimes it does not.
>> Sometimes xidle runs xlock, and sometimes it does not.
>> Sometimes xlock asks for a password, and sometimes it does not.
>> Can anyone tell me whether they have all of these working consistently and
>> reliably?
>> They were not working for me yesterday. This morning it all worked
>> perfectly. Hours later, none of it worked.

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