On Thu, 31 May 2012 23:47:31 -0300 Daniel Bolgheroni <dbolgher...@devio.us> wrote:
> Hi misc@, > > Running the latest snapshot, there are some issues I'm facing when I run > rtorrent + ~5 downloads. > > The system becomes VERY unresponsive, varying between 5 seconds of activity > and 10 seconds locked. > > Before this, had 2 complete locks, and did a cold reboot. No serial to > try something, nor a second computer atm either. > > Running top, I see that sometimes CPU for rtorrent goes to more than > 200%. Running systat, the interrupts maintain its pace, but at the > boundaries of the 10 sec locks, I can see 'ipi' going to something around > 1000000 (1 million). > > Didn't find what ipi means. A 'man -k' gives me ipic. > > Thoughts? > Thank you. > Before the version now in ports was committed I noticed that rtorrent would become unresponsive for 5-10 seconds when using the arrow navigation keys, see: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=133531038607123&w=2 Since reporting this, I realised that this only would happen if I had about 9-10 torrents available for seeding and/or downloading at once (it would still happen even if there was no network activity occurring). I didn't notice any undue CPU load. My overall system is fine, just rtorrent that becomes sluggish. The old version could cope with these numbers no problem. I don't have a solution, except to only run the amount of torrents your machine can handle (5 or 6 is ok for my computer). Since rtorrent is normally very lightweight it should be able to cope with a lot more than it currently can. PS this thread should probably have been on ports@.